Thursday, January 19, 2012

Always remember the Green Tea Latte

Psalm 85:8

I will listen to what God the LORD will say; he promises peace to his people, his saints— but let them not return to folly.

I've been meaning to blog about this past Monday. It's amazing what happens when you take yourself out of the equation and just make it about God. Amber and I met a super cool girl, whose face completely lit up when we had mentioned church to her. I strongly believe that this girl will be our sister in Christ. Her name is Trinidad and she a makeup artist, as well as a dancer. She even gave us a quick little dance lesson, so Amber and I learned a little bit of a Lady Gaga dance routine. I'm very much a non-dancer but for the sake of Jesus I will dance. Please keep her in your prayers!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Quote from King's Cross

Don't worry, I'm not reading ahead :)  I already read the book just to make sure that it would be a good book for our family.  It is now one of my favorite books next to the Bible, Mere Christianity, Forgotten God, The Giver, Prodigal God (by Keller) and The Giving Tree.

"When you come under the healing of the royal hands, under the kingship of Jesus, everything in your life will begin to heal.  And when he comes back, everything sad will come untrue.  His return will usher in the end of fear, suffering, and death."

The healing and redemption that we find in Jesus is unlike anything out there.  What an amazing gift from God :)  I love where it says, "everything sad will come untrue."  God has the most amazing ability to turn my self-produced disasters, mistakes and tragedies into the most amazing opportunities for growth and a deeper appreciation and love for Him.  It blows my mind to think that when Jesus comes back, he will literally put an end to death.  He has the power, and is going to put death to death.  With him, we will experience all the love, satisfaction, joy, and excitement that we have been waiting for all of our lives.

Katie is rad

This is so rad!  I am seriously a part of the most amazing family ever.  Wow.

King's Cross Reading Schedule

Hey Fellow Members of the Island of Misfits!

February is rapidly approaching, which means we will all be reading King's Cross by Timothy Keller together as a family. Yay! Just to give you all a heads up, here is the reading schedule for the book:

Week Dates Chapters Pages
1 2/1 - 2/6 1 & 2 3-25
2 2/7 - 2/12 3 & 4 26-48
3 2/13 - 2/18 5 & 6 49-69
4 2/19 - 2/25 7 & 8 70-94
5 2/26 -3/3 9 & 10 95-122
6 3/4 - 3/11 11 & 12 123-152
7 3/12 - 3/17 13 & 14 153-172
8 3/18 - 3/23 15 & 16 173-193
9 3/24 - 3/31 17 & 18 194-225

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Charlie OUT of the box

I am inspired by the vision for this group. The crazy irony is that the name of this blog really should be called "Charlie out of the Box" because that is where the minds ad hearts of this little family are. I am torn between my desire to be with you guys and working with the kids, but I know that God is working and I praise His name for having this "problem."
Its been great getting to know the people who are coming out. Brian's zeal for life is awesome and I was so happy to see Emily visiting for the first time today. How rad to have women along with us! I also got to talk with Josiah today and had a really great conversation about working in the industry as a Christian. Looking forward to talking to him more. He also was incredibly moved and inspired by the music. In his words, he was impacted the incredible lack of stigma and posture that comes from serving in worship that he had been used to in other churches he's attended. He was impressed by the diversity and was drawn in by how genuine and authentic the worship was. What an incredible compliment from someone who has a discerning eye for that thing. Praise God that He speaks to people the way they need it!
I will see you guys tomorrow nigh, I may be a little late. Be praying for me and Chadd. We are performing as Whyte Noyz this weekend so this week is gonna be a scramble and crazy hectic trying to get prepared. If you can, please come ad see us at the Infinite Compassion concert. Great thing to invite people to! If you want the deets llok here:


Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Best Monday in So Many Years

I'm so glad to be writing this post. I must be brief.

Monday January 09/2012 was the best Monday in many years as a disciple. I went to work and thought almost all day about going out in Hollywood and inviting people to church. I was a little tiny bit anxious and so excited to get there already.

The bus was so fast getting me there. I sat in Starbucks reading, listening to Satie (my jam!), and doing bill/budget stuff in my grid paper notebook (that's relaxing even when I'm in the red). Then Troy arrived. Then others arrived. Then we were all off to have a pre-inviting forum.

Dude, the apartment common areas were so beautiful. The classiness reminded me of the very few times in my left I was aware of how I stand out in certain settings as, in my own words, riff-raff. And I thought, I may look like riff-raff to some people, however, what's in my heart has a greater worth than anything I could ever see or buy. And the place was still beautiful.

Our pre-inviting forum was amazing. Uncle Seth started out with the how... how he got here, how Nick and Troy have been his crew, how they meet people in Hollywood. Then the what... what are we going toward. And I was quite aware of that feeling, the mixture of joy, gratitude, fear (do I have what it takes? do I even want this, really?), wonder, excitement and let's go! that I felt while studying the bible over 7 years ago. And I thought, I'm so glad to be with these people. This leader is the leader I've wanted and asked God for: a vision, a concern for me and each individual in the group, someone intelligent, someone who will lead, someone who reminds us who we are for God. Then the last question before we pray and commit our meetings to God: Why do we share?

Out in Hollywood with Nick and Mark. Meeting the people I was drawn to: a couple and little girl, a Mexican family of 7 who didn't speak English, a man dressed as a woman who was the most excited about getting to church, a Chilean who works in Big Bear. These are my people. :o) And I can't wait to see them again.

I've given Nick and Mark, who are very similar guys (they say they're quiet, they so are not; they have kindness in their hearts, definitely) a task: Tell my future boyfriend, "Amber likes vanilla milkshakes. And she wants that $2630 LV bag for a wedding present. The knockoff is okay." :o)

We had an after action review at Chic-fil-A! OMG! Milkshake and our favorite moments of the evening.

I'm glad to be here, with this group of people, living the dream, making friends in Hollywood. Active participation. I am alive and invigorated in my soul.

Thank you, God.

- Amber